Monday 13 November 2017

Component 1 - Media Products, Industries and Audiences (Newspapers)

Institution - the values and ideology of a media product.
Importance of Institution:
It is a way to differentiate between products, and can give the consumer some idea of 'quality', which may influence a decision.

Example: Long Road Sixth Form (as a media product)
Differentiation - Long Road needs to prove that it is different from other colleges, like Hill's Road.
Competition - Long Road is a business like any other, and it needs to enrol a certain number of student to remain economically viable. The same principal can be applied to any media/ non-media industry.
Identification - I go to Long Road, rather than the building next to the hospital.
Ideology - Long Road has a very clear message and values; 'move on up' from secondary education, studying here will be challenging yet awarding.

Logo Analysis:

  • Intricate detail, represents quality clothing.
  • Bold yet simple typeface almost shows the brand doesn't need a specific typeface, as the name is so well known.
  • Greek imagery used to show how long the brand has been around, giving it an almost ancient characteristic, as if the brand is everlasting.
  • The beauty and perfection of the face mirrors the high quality and beauty of their product, a product of high fashion. 
  • The way the symbol is constructed creates an emblem-like shield, as if the brand is a constitution of importance, almost royalty.
First Impressions: Daily Mirror
Layout and design - busy and colourful.
Composition - The brand logo takes up a significant amount of the page.
Elements of narrative - 'Strictly's Tameka 'gutted at axe''.
Point of View - Appeals to audiences interested in celebrity lives, reality TV, and scandal.
Copy - Short and punctual yet dramatic language to get across message, using puns to create a playful approach on maybe very serious matters.  

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