Length: 3 minutes - 3 minutes 30 seconds.
- 2 or more filming locations.
- Wide range of camera shots, angles and movement to interpret the music and lyrics of the song.
- Shots of the artist or band to establish a clear identity/image.
- Performance footage(rehearsal and/or live and/or lip synched)
- Representations of at least one social group.
- Clear structure with an element of narrative.
- Editing of original footage to the music track.
- Graphics depicting the original name of artist or band and title of the track.
How to get an A in the music video coursework:
- Use media language to demonstrate intertextuality and/or generic hybridity.
- Convey a complex representation of a social group using media language.
- Subvert and challenge typical representational stereotypes.
- Present an ideological context typical to an independent music label.
- Create a magazine that demonstrates clear stylistic, thematic and ideological links to your music video.