Wednesday 5 December 2018

Advert analysis for Les Revenants

Genre conventions
These conventions that are presented in the advert will appeal to fans of these genres:
Horror - little boy, stabbing, screaming noises, abandoned settings.
Thriller - tense music, flashing camera work/editing
French - niche themes, dark gloomy

From the very first shot of the butterfly breaking free from the glass, it shows the representation of the idea of coming back to life, and clearly creates a binary opposition between life and death. This show competes with the differences between them: the only thing between them is the piece of glass, represents there is possibility of coming back from the dead. This is used to target audiences as the shot makes audiences ask questions and makes an intriguing representation.

Narrative codes
Music - build up from the beginning, creating the idea of the narrative unravelling. Contrasts with it's actual non-linear, challenging narrative.
Throughout the advert, it slowly reveals more and more about the narrative, equilibrium, disequilibrium, how does the resolution happen? audiences ask and this is how the advert targets the audience. (Todorov)
Exciting, well paced editing/camera work.

Technical codes
Hermeneutic codes, codes of 
Quotes taken from reviews/critics, gives the program a certain brand name, 'cult' series, a certain small following of audience that are passionate about the program. Audiences have trust towards the names that have given these reviews, which is a technique used by the producers of targeting them.
Polysemic, when 

Non diegetic soundtrack, Mogwai, scottish post-rock band known for lengthy, moody instrumentals
Target their fans as well as connoting a mood (lyrical poetic drama)
iconography signifies genre hybridity - bus crash, murder in underpass, blood, non diegetic sound
Probably most stylish thing you will see on tv this year" quote from daily telegraph - quoting recognised, reputed newspaper it emphasis on the style - again reinforcing essence/quality of text
narrative is character driven and implies that it is non linear - targets an audience who perhaps enjoy being challenged and ambiguous meaning
characters are conventionally attractive - targets audiences who would identify with them (relatability of nuclear family, relationships)
Links to DVD at the end of the trailer - directly targeting audience through merchandising.
French drama - targets slightly middle class audiences - connotes equality and more arthouse avent-garde style (cult fanbase)

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