Friday 22 March 2019

Moc Exam Prep

To what extent do Zoella and Attitude reflect the social and historical context of the time when they were made? [30]


Definition - What is Online Media? What is social/cultural context?
Argument - What social/cultural context are you focusing on?(representation, industry, ideology, viewpoints, etc) How will you develop this response?
Context - Zoella and Attitude

PEA Paragraphs - Point, Evidence, Argument/Analysis



  • LGBT representation
  • Stereotypes? (re-purposes/embraces gay stereotype)
  • Conventional ideals of beauty
  • Challenging traditional representations of masculinity ('boys' section/magazine front cover of Jake Shears)
  • Stuart Hall (stereotypes)
  • Paul Gilroy (Post-colonialism)
  • Subversive(Magazine front cover of Jake Shears), gender binary, androgyny, challenging normatively, hegemonic...

  • Stereotypical depictions of gender (Our Christmas Eve traditions video, reinforces domestic role of women, conventional depictions of femininity).
  • Conventional femininity and masculinity
  • Hetero-normative representation
  • Domestic, conventional ideals of beauty (The Zoella Apartment video)
  • Ultra traditional (Zoella=women are passive, domestic an dcultivate space for beauty and visual aesthetic/Alfie=men are active, dominant, and tae no part in domestic/beauty ideals)
  • Lack of non-white representation (Gilroy?)
  • Judith Butler (performative, constructive gender) (The Zoella Apartment)
  • Lisbet Van Zoonen (objectification, sexualisation of bodies)



  • Published by major publisher, Stream Publishing
  • Launch of website in 2014 (digital convergence, synergy..)
  • Twitter, social media accounts
  • Curran and Seaton (limiting of variety, creativity - monopoly of power)
  • Ineffective regulation (IPSO)
  • Hesmonhalgh (horizontal/vertical integration)


  • Monetization, commercialisation of YouTube - driven by financial interest, views and retaining advertising
  • 'ad-pocalypse'/algorithms
  • Upload compliance leading to self-censorship of videos by users - need to retain advertising and monetisation.
  • Narrow, censored content that highly contrasts original 'peer-to-peer' ideology
  • Zoella - highly cultivated and constructed media text - reliant on commercial, advertising
  • Ineffective regulation (online media)

Ideologies and Viewpoints

  • Inclusive, informative 'guide' for the LGBTQ community
  • Attitude implies a challenge to hetero normative ideology and a confident stance to any discrimination, prejudice or homophobia - reflecting in online articles
  • Aim to promote challenging, subversive representations of traditional masculinity that typically 'other' gay men.
  • Adopts stereotypes of gay men in media - re-purposing of stereotypes in order to contstruct own identity, to appropriate and own negative stereotypes.
  • Unmediated, 'spontaneous' content that is constructed to feel accessible and relatable.
  • Direct mode-of-address and everyday aesthetic contruct homemade, relatable content
  • Natural aesthetic (domestic setting) designed to reinforce realism
  • Constructed, cultivated 'best friend' persona
  • 'Aspirational' relatable content achieved through cultivated technical elements in videos
  • Refects social/historical context of vloggers and Youtube content - highly contradictory ideology.

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