Monday 18 September 2017

Advert Analysis

Image result for chanel advertsImage result for adverts

 These two adverts use very contrasting methods to uniquely sell their products. In the Chanel advert (left), audience focus is drawn to the composition of the image, as significance is placed on the bottle of product which is noticeably larger than the subject. Her body language seems like she is dependant on the product as her limbs are wrapped around it, and she carries a content facial expression. The pure, plain white background signifies a more serious attitude toward fashion and perfume industry. These features create a stereotypical audience aim for  a younger, more modern female adult group. 
In the Heinz advert however, they have used a much more innocent and simple approach as themes of childhood and fairytale are used in the reference to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The language used in the advert possibly creates an enigma code for younger audiences, who might experience excitement from the concept of 'magic', and will be intrigued by the products abilities. The rich green colour scheme connotes a natural and organic mood, which will be appealing to parents who prefer healthier diets for their children. 

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