Friday 29 September 2017

What is the purpose of a charity advert?
-To persuade people to give money to the charity.
-To knowledge the public on the issue the advert is addressing and showing that it is happening in the world today
-To raise awareness of what the charity can do about it.

How do they work?
They use guilt to enforce the message of the advert, to make people want to help.

Victim- Children (younger victims are more vulnerable)
Sounds- soothing, upsetting, emotional music. Weak whimpering of children creates empathy. Soothing voice of adult creates binary oppositiion to the subject of the adert and emphasises that the children DO NOT have one of these comforting adults to care for them.
Mise-en-scene- Dark lighting creates a dark atmosphere to address a serious matter; crying facial expressions make the audience feel guilty; costumes are old worn clothing to emphasise the neglected children.
Editing and camerawork- close-ups and slow-motion exaggerate the tone of the advert to receive the best outcome in forcing audiences to want to give their money to this charity. The low angle shots could represent the adult abusers who look down on the children, as if the charity is trying to put you in their shoes and see how the children act and feel around their abusers.

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