Monday 5 November 2018


According to Levi-Strauss, texts convey their meanings through a system of binary oppositions. Evaluate this structuralist theory, refer to the set episodes of Humans. (30)

The Sci-fi genre based series Humans, demonstrates many binary oppositions within the text. The most significant opposition lies between Man vs Machine. There is a constant tension between all of the human and synth characters. For example, initially we only see Anita's feet, in the mesh 'delivery bag', claiming she is an object to be bought and sold. This is our first impression of the synths, in a scene where a family 'buys Anita'. The non-diegetic music however, suggests a heart-beat rhythmic sound that represents the birth of Anita when she is programmed and started-up. This contrasts with objectification themes as the synth is so human like that it is presented to be alive.
Producers have used these themes to maybe reflect the on goings of today's world, and how technology has overtaken society. This explores how humans revolve around the use of electronics, and makes audiences ask the question, have we become cybernetic organisms.

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