Monday 19 November 2018

Targeting and maintaining Audience

How can we break apart a target audience?
  • Age
  • Social/Economic Class
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Sexuality
  • Hobbies
  • Demographic
  • Psychographic(Aspirer/Reformer/Mainstreamer)
  • Occupation
  • Location
Family Breakfast Scene
Typical middle class British family
Relatable to audiences: bickering, moody fighting teenagers, dad jokes, etc
Aspirational to audience - the want to be a nuclear family
polysemic Reading - funny and creepy scene, hinting at situations to come ''we should throw a party for the dishwasher its been working for years!'' - confirms Anita's status as a slave - a challenging concept for the middle class audience to decode. 
Close-ups of mums face to show dislike toward Anita.
Presentable, financially comfortable family, relatable to middle class audience.
Dig at Laura "this is what breakfast is supposed to be like", suggesting she is failing to provide the role of mother. 
Mise-en-scene of cups of tea, stereotypically British, specifically targeting a British Audience which is relatable to them.
Costume - pyjamas and loungewear, apart from Anita - intertextual reference to British TV sitcoms, steriotypical 'wake-up' scene, for example 'Outnumbered'.
Audience Theory - Hypodermic Needle theory - (injecting the message of a domestic motherly role into the audience)

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