Friday 9 November 2018

Postmodernism in Humans

Critisism of Narratives

Tests the narrative of old religion, 'at the beginning the was only Adam and Eve'. This rejects these themes as there are hundreds of naked robots that look like humans all lined up, with no natural features.

Style over Substance

There is no real meaning for this scene, Matilda has no reason to shoot these bullets at Anita, yet it is a significant scene for violence and old technology vs new technology.


Anita dodges the bullet that matilda shoots by swaying to the side, due to the sci-fi genre themes and conventions, audnience could recognise intertextuality from the infamous scene from the matrix, where the main character dodges the electrical bullets.

Additionally a lot of intertextuality is taken from the original Swedish series, (Real Humans).

Rejection of High Culture
These synths work in a factory, in comparison to the house synths that wear neat plain clothing. The are more scruffy, and this particular synth has a number tatto lookng like it is bunt into his skin.
Breaking the Fourth Wall

Calling him son, as if he has lost the ideas that the synth is robot and has no feelings. The fourth wall is broken as the old man character has forgotten what is real and what is not, due to the loneliness he has felt after his wife died, he hung onto the synth as his only hope.

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