Wednesday 30 January 2019


How have digital platforms changed the way we consume radio?

  • First form of broadcasting, then television was invented but more for entertainment rather than news.
  • Today, apps are available to consume radio 
  • Radio podcasts are available to purchase/download online and are also available for free on platforms such as youtube. This allows flexibility for audiences.
  • Accessibility has changed where people can catch-up on radio shows and do not have to make time to listen to specific radio live.
  • DAB Digital radio compared to FM has a lot more available to audiences as it has increased the amount of stations allowing for niche programming encouraging more listeners
  • Cross platform - the combination of visuals with audio output and availability of radio through television platforms. Remains appealing to modern audiences EG, watching radio podcasts on youtube.
Regulation in Radio
Localness guidelines 

Legislation requires Ofcom to secure that local commercial radio stations provide an appropriate amount of:
  • programmes including local material; and
  • locally made programmes

Radio and TV in the UK is broadly self-regulated - up to the host to say what they want, which is much more relaxed.

LNWH is broadcast after 9pm

Public service broadcasting = intended for public benefit rather than commercial benefit

-Includes multiple topics, opinions
-Inclusive = gives voice to a wide range of ideologies
-Balanced coverage
-Media product exhibits and gives voice to a wide range of ideological perspectives
-The BBC is a public service broadcaster = this means it's aim is to 'inform, educate, explain'

OFCOMS regulatory framework:
-"Ensure a wide range of services and a wide appeals is available"
-"Maintain plurality in broadcasting"
-"Protect audiences from offensive or harmful material"
-"Protect audiences against unfairness or infringement of privacy"

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