Wednesday 30 January 2019

Diversity and Creativity

Diversity and creativity in the media - Curran and Seaton
Woman Magazine - owned by IPC
Assassin's Creed - Ubisoft (huge company that owns many subsidiaries
The Times - Owned by News UK which is owned by News Corp
Adbusters - reverts the theory as it is anti-mainstream and creative and subversive

Conglomerates and monopoly:
-Having a monopoly mean domination of media industries
-If the focus is on creating profit, generally conglomerates don;t take risks with the media products they produce 
-This often results in limited variety, creativity and quality

Curran and Seaton - 'anti monopoly media regulation is need not only to maintain fair competition but also to prevent the distortion of democracy'

Public service broadcasting = intended for public benefit rather than commercial benefit.

A diverse media landscape = public service broadcast produce content without the sole intention of profit. Resulting in a more varied range of content across multiple media industries.

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