Zoella, much like many other vlogger, is based on a mode of constant hyperrefferentiality, and is impossible to understand without intimate knowledge of Barthesian referential codes.
Lisbet Van Zoonen - Feminist Theory
- Gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media products, and the idea of what is male and female changes over time.
- Women's bodies are used in the media as a spectacle for heterosexual males audiences, which reinforces patriarchal hegemony.
- She would argue that Zoella complies to patriarchal hegemony, and her image is used to be looked upon by men for their pleasure.
Judith Butler - Gender Performativity
- Performativity is a repetitious and ritualistic act that constructs identity.
- There is no gender identity behind these expressions of gender.
- Our identity only comes as a result of this performative act.
Video - The Zoella Apartment
What sort of representations of masculinity and femininity are suggested by this video?
The way Zoella reinforces conventional beauty ideals through her make-up, hair and costume decisions?
-very made up, full face of make-up for a normal day out.
-reinforces the conventional beauty ideals, suggesting that femininity is acheived through a specific aesthetic look.
The performance style of Zoella and the impact of this in terms of the gender representation constructed?
-high pitched feminine voice
-"boys in the back of the mini is not comfortable", as if the mini is a 'girls car'
-zoey looks after the house and decoration
The way that traditional gender binaries are reinforced through the presentation of Zoey and Alfie's relationship?
-Alfie goes to the gym two times, typically masculine,wearing a vest and a cap, here men are promoted as active
-whereas zoella is passively presented and her anxiety about leaving the house helps to reinforce her domestic role
-represent a conventional gender binary, carefully controlled expression of traditional male/female relationship.
Video - Getting organised for Christmas Day
What sort of representations of masculinity and femininity are suggested by this video?
The way Zoella reinforces conventional beauty ideals through her make-up, hair and costume decisions?
-Gets ready, by doing a 'quick and easy' tutorial.
-Advertises her own beauty brand, suggesting these products are needed to obtain her look and appearance, for the audiences who aspire to follow her lifestyle and style.
The performance style of Zoella and the impact of this in terms of the gender representation constructed?
-Reinforces Butler, performing her gender through the way she constructs her appearance, ideology and mannerisms.
The performance style of Zoella and the impact of this in terms of the gender representation constructed?
- Clearly positions Zoella in a domestic role - preparing food and house for a christmas party
Ethnic representation within Zoella:
The potential impact on audiences of any absent representations
- non white groups are absent in representation reinforcing cultural binaries
- fuelling stereotypical representations
-channels marginalisation of non-white ethnicities suggest a segregated view of UK society, constructing sense of 'otherness' through absence of ethnic groups.
Beauty Ideals within Zoella:
Does Zoella subconsciously associate beauty ideals with specific ethnic groups
- reinforces, that conventionally white is beautiful and other colour is not.
- channels construction of an aspirational, ideal lifestyle coupled with its reinforcement of beauty ideals might suggest to audiences that these statuses cannot be achieved by non-white audience.