Wednesday 27 February 2019

Postmodernism and Hyperreality

Semiotics: Roland Barthes
Signs, Signifiers and Signifieds

  1. Anything that can have meaning 
  2. The thing that creates meaning
  3. The meaning that is created

Jean Baudrillard - "its no longer a question of imitation,nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real."

In the postmodern culture, boundaries between th 'real' world and the worldd of media have collapsed and its no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is stimulation.
Therefore in this postmodernist ear, audiences are constantly bombarded with images that no longer refer to anything real.
Because of this, we are now in a situation that media images have come to seem more 'real' than the reality they supposedly represent. This concept os referred to as hyperreality.

Postmodernism is breaking the rules and conventions of media texts.

Breaking rules - postmodernist text often break fundamental rules of making media and tend to break down the 4th wall.
Intertextuality - postmodern texts oftenroutinely make reference to other texts, cultures and times.
Style over Substance - surface meanings are seen as more important important in a postmodern text than any deeper meaning.
Criticism of metanarratives - original texts that humans take their purpose from (religion) 
Postmodernism tries to break the rules and conventions of these metanarratives that society has been bound to.
Rejection of High Culture 

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