Wednesday 27 February 2019

Semeotics - Roland Barthes

Hermenuetic - An enigma code is a mystery within a text that is not immediately answered.

Symbolic - A part of a text that 'stands in for, or means something else. Eg, the pink pyjamas in the Zoella video could be symbolic for innocence, youth or purity. 

Proairetic - Parts of a narrative which are related to things happening for example, cracking your knuckles, audiences expect the character is preparing to fight.

Referencial - Where a part of a text refers to something outside of the text. This assumes the audience has knowledge of whatever it is that the text is referring to. Closely related to intertextuality. 

Applying the theory to study cases: Zoella and Tanya Burr

Zoella's blog: 
Hermenuetic - On the front page of her blog an instant sub-category title reading 'Anxiety - The Update'. The title creates enigma for audiences as it creates questions, because it is simple, and lacks information. How are we being updated? What is she anxious about? 
Symbolic - The mise-en-scene of the website, including hand-drawn fairy lights, pastel colour schemes, and swirly handwritten font creates the symbolic code of innocence and purity.
Proairetic - There action codes with in Zoella's website where she links her multiple social media platform accounts at the top of her page, suggesting where it will lead once clicking on the links, eg, twitter, instagram, youtube facebook, pinterest. 
ReferencialOn the front page of her blog an instant category reveals a question anchored to a photo of Zoella reading 'Who run the world?'. The question creates enigma for audiences as it is an unanswered question, but also is a referencial point to a BeyoncĂ© song; 'who run the world, girls!'. Here she is trying to offer her audiences a reference to an influential ethnic female artist, to advertise her support in feminist movements.

Tanya Burr's blog:
Hermenuetic - Lack of being brand-heavy, where she doesn't use a large font of her name, make audiences want to learn more about her brand identity.
Symbolic - She constructs a more classy image for herself, through the use of smart costume, body language and natural quality of photos. These aspects help to create a symbolic code of sophistication.
ProaireticThere action codes with in Tanya's website where she links her multiple social media platform accounts at the top of her page, suggesting where it will lead once clicking on the links, eg, twitter, instagram, youtube facebook, pinterest. 
Referencial - One of her blog post categories on the front page of her website makes a referencial code with her 'Q and A with Zoe', implying audiences will catch the reference to her famous youtuber friend Zoella.

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