Very stereotypical and concrete in a 'woman's lifestyle and beauty' genre magazine, not fluid
He believes genre consists of instances of 'repetition and difference' however, Woman magazine presents lots of repetition of traditional patriarchal ideologies, and not so much difference.
'Are you an a-level beauty', presenting a conventional and ideal beauty anchoring imagery of front cover, soft smile, flowery feminine costume, light natural make up, fashionable womans hairstyle of 1960's.
Constructing ideologies that a woman's beauty is her main attraction and purpose, eg to appear as a spectacle for the heterosexual 'male gaze', - Lisbet Van Zoonen.
'For your kitchen', assuming the typical housewife image, not subverting any typical conventions of women's magazines at the time, following only patterns and trends.
Presents a very postmodern (Jean Baudrillard) ideology, breaking rules, not fitting into a specific category or genre, eg page has no real meaning, irrelevant text '350ppm', no factual information, confusing imagery and composition, with no real purpose.
Very unconventional presentation of women beauty ideals, eg, short 'boys' hair cut, heavy eye make up, gap between front teeth, serious facial expression.
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