Monday, 13 May 2019

Exam Question - Online Media Representation

How far are the representations constructed in the set texts of Zoella and Attitude stereotypical? [30] or 2x[15]

Constant RE presentation of certain groups
Stereotype (Stuart Hall) - fixed ideologies created as a labelling process in media products, as a shortcut for producers, and something recognisable for audiences
This often leads to misjudgment and unfair discrimination towards certain groups

Attitude Online
Typical stereotypes of gay men: feminine characteristic clothing, fragile, sensitive, vulnerable, victimised, camp, theatrical, flamboyant, 
Does not reflect the diversity of gay male identities.
Representations are promoting hegemonic understandings of masculinity by constructing the gay man as 'other'. 
Masculinity is often equated to heterosexuality
This construction of dominant ideologies can be related to Stuart Hall's Theory.
George Gerbner - argues that the media participate in the symbolic annihilation of the LGBTQ community by negatively stereotyping them, rarely portraying them realistically, or by not portraying them at all.
- argues that media today offers a more diverse range of representations, progression of representations of masculinity 
 - online audience become producers of meaning, creating own identities, and influencing other identities
 - gender identity has become less constricted and constrained which can be explored through producer and audience identity constructions

Stereotypical vlogger, as she is the foundation of this archetype, and constructed the stereotype herself, being one of the first to take this role.
Gatekeeper - a person or organisation that is involved in filtering content in some way, zoella choses specifically was to disclose and what to share with her audience
Her blogs and vlogs have similar construction of gender to that of teenage girl magazines.
Gender reinforcement through promotion of her beauty brand, by sponsorship and deals, therefore for commercial purposes.
The way she cultivates her own image is very conventional of a feminine 
She is the 'madonna' in the Madonna and Whore complex, being very respected but not sexualised.
Contrasted to boyfriends very stereotypical construction of masculinity, going to the gym, not helping around the house, going out when Zoella stays in.

How far are the representations constructed in the set texts of Zoella and Attitude stereotypical? [30] 

DEFINE - Stereotypes are a constant RE presentation of certain groups constructing fixed ideologies in the labelling process of media products. These act as a shortcut for producers, and something recognisable for audiences which often leads to misjudgment and unfair discrimination towards certain groups.
ARGUMENT - I find that Zoella and Attitude both construct stereotypical representations of gender through visual and technical codes, yet in very opposing ways.

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