Friday 13 October 2017

Audience Negotiation

  • Takes place between the producer, the audience, and the product itself.
  • Producers are keen to use specific representations and modes of address in order to ensue that their audiences decode their creation in exactly the right way. 
  • In short, they need to make sure that the audience 'gets it'.
Key Theory 17- STUART HALL
Reception Theory:
  • The 'right' reading of a text which can be enforced by positioning.
  • This concept has to be approached carefully: often texts intentionally have multiple meaning/readings, and audiences can potentially get whatever they want out of any media text.
  • Hall categorised audience response into 3 separate group.
  • These can help us to understand wether or not an audience sticks to the preferred reading, or if they decide to make their own decisions on how to decode the text.
  • DOMINANT READING: The audience agrees with the dominant values in the text, and agrees with the values and ideology it shows.
  • NEGOTIATED READING: The audience generally agrees with what they see but they disagree to some amount.
  • OPPOSITIONAL READING: The audience completely disagrees with what they see, and rejects the dominant reading.
Advert: WaterAid
The advert is trying to get me to agree with the values and ideologies of the advert so that I feel encouraged to donate money towards the charity. The dominant readings, show audiences will agree with how the happiness throughout the advert shows a positive effect of donating to the charity. Oppositional readings maybe in disagreement with the features of the advert showing men do labouring work, and women and kids going to get water. As well as how the advert generalises Africa as one place, with no health, and the advert is quite 

Audience Negotiation:
  • Very few audiences completely accept or completely reject the ideological implications of the text.
  • The vast majority or readings are negotiated.
  • A negotiated reading is not simply 'I liked some bits but disliked others.' its much 
      • more complicated. 

Advert 2: Protein World
The dominant reading would be agreeing to the advertisement of a beautiful body that can be achieved by consuming this product(protein). 
The negotiated reading may agree with the advertisement of trying to reduce obesity but may not agree with how the message is put across, by the use of objectifying a woman body. 
The oppositional reading will completely disagree with the values of the advert, as it objectifies women and the product itself is unhealthy.

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