Friday 6 October 2017

Narrative and Representation

TODOROV- Key Theory 2- Narratology
Within a story, the equilibrium creates the initial beginning of a film, representing the period of the film where there are no problems. This changes after a disruption occurs, where the equilibrium is broken. The film then results in a disequilibrium where there is resolution. However the equilibrium can also be partially restored where sequels are intended, so the film does not end on a complete equilibrium.

Linear narrative- when a narrative is chronological, and follows a story through time from beginning to end.

Non-linear narrative- the narrative is not chronological, and goes back and forth between beginning and end.

John Lewis Advert:
How is meaning created through the narrative?
The advert uses specific angles and shots in the camera work to reveal the disruption of the penguins desires to the audience, before the child realises. When the child realises the problem, that his penguin is lonely, he attempts to resolve the disruption and create a new equilibrium by finding another penguin for his penguin to love. The advert cleverly uses narrative at the very end to present the hidden meaning of the advert: 'child imagination'. Through the advert, it uses sound to build an enigma of suspense of what is to happen, and how the characters will react to the disruption. The adverts mode of address shifts as we see the scenario from 'parents' eyes and the penguins are just toys. It creates a binary opposite between how children see christmas and how parents see christmas, and although the parents cannot see the imagination, the advert appeals to adults by seeing their children happy. The advert sells the product by creating a warm story that is typical to the John Lewis brand and tradition.

Can you apply Todorov's theory of equilibrium?
The equilibrium of the advert is represented by the changing seasons of weather, signified by the iconography connected to each season. The scenes of happy memories create the sense that the two characters have a deeper friendship, however shortly after, the equilibrium is broken when the penguin becomes distracted by his loneliness. The attempt to repair the disruption is presented through the main characters acttions in finding his best friend another penguin to love.

Is the narrative linear or non-linear? Why?
The advert uses a linear narrative to follow the characters through a story of 'christmas love'. The linear narrative allows the advert to make audiences feel they are living experience along with the characters, so they can feel a deeper sentimentality towards the brand, and therefore selling the product.

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