Monday 2 October 2017


Hybrid genres and Subgenres:

  • 'Traditional' genres are arguably both less important and less useful as a frame or reference than ever
  • Far more important in the study of genre are the notations

Vapourwave-  subgenre of 80's glorified music
Grindcore- subgenre of heavy metal/rock

Generic Paradigms- The building blocks of genre
  • Genre paradigms, also known as genre conventions are aspects of a media text that demonstrate to the audience (for example editing, mise-en-scene, sound)what genre a media product is in.
ICONOGRAPHY- The familiar signs of genre

STAR TREK: the next generation
What genre?
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy/ Drama
Outline the generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that construct this genre:
Settings and costume; futuristic, outer space, spaceships, aliens
In what ways does the clip conform or subvert genre conventions?
The clip conforms the typical serious tone and mode of address of Sci-Fi conventions from the dramatic facial expressions and backing music.
What examples of generic hybridity are evident, for example through dialogue and narrative structure?
There is a hybrid of the Sci-Fi and Thriller genres.

What genre?
Drama/Murder Investigation/

Outline the generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that construct this genre:
Characters: Police investigators, Murderer, Witnesses, Victims. Normally this genre consists of a serious mode of address and suspenseful tone.
In what ways does the clip conform or subvert genre conventions?
The clip subverts from the typical serious tone of murder mysteries (bunny costume and playful comedic music) but in ways it also conforms the typical genre conventions from the 

KEY THEORY 3: Steve Neale- Theories around Genre
  • Neale believes that genre is essentially instances of 'repetition and difference'.
  • He suggested that texts need to conform to some generic paradigms to be identified within a certain genre- but must also subverts these conventions in order to not appear identical.
INTERTEXTUALITY: is the shaping of texts meaning through referencing or alluding to other text. Texts provide context within which other texts can be created or interpreted- reflecting the fluid boundaries or genre convention. (The way the Simpsons use lots of scenes from other media, almost exactly)

  • 3 examples of musical sub-genres
  • 3 examples of film hybrids
  • The genre paradigms of a charity advertisement
  • The iconography of a horror film
  • An advert that uses intertextuality
Musical sub-genres: Breakbeat/Jungle/Deep House (all sub-genres of repetative dance music)

Film hybrids: Tragicomedy/Comedy-Horror/Weird West

Charity Advertisement: The genre paradigms would mainly consist of emotional and moving mode of address, using specific music and dialogue to do so. Characters and costumes would generally reveal a 'victim' of some sort, making audience feel guilt, and encourage donation to the charity.

Iconography of IT(2017): Characters, costumes, hair and make up: Clowns, red nose, crazy hair, long sharp fingers, menacing smile, vulnerable boy in a yellow raincoat. Settings: Dark roads, haunted house, rainy and stormy weather. Props: red balloon and  paper origami boat. 

Intertextuality: Using the iconography of the character Yoda from Starwars, typically has lots of power and uses 'the force' to run this powerful network for Vodaphone.
Image result for intertextuality adverts

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