Monday 9 October 2017


Audience is important because it gives ideas, main focus, competition, essential, targets and positions wouldn't exist without it.

What makes up an audience:
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location
  • Class/social status

A- Top management - upper middle class
B- Middle management -Middle class
C1- Office supervisor -lower middle class
C2- Skilled workers -Skilled working class
D- Semi skilled -working class
E- Unemployed, student, casual worker -Unemployed

The classification of people according to attitude aspirations and other psychological criteria:

Aspirers: People who want to appear rich and attractive. 
Reformers: People who want social change, are unimpressed by status and make decision based on their values.
Explorers: Adventurous people who like taking risks.
Mainstream: People who follow the crowd.
Strugglers: People who find it hard to achieve.

Who is the intended target audience?
The intended target audience is younger families, who are maybe struggling or are in the working class, just getting by.
How are they being targeted?
Rustic homely music creates a family orientated feel to the advert. The settings show a small home/flat, highlighting how little wealth makes no difference to afford McDonalds products.Ideologies created from the advert is the idea of 'lightness in the dark', as if McDonalds can fix problems at home, or maybe make it a little easier to get by. As the character tries to find any shop that sells the 'pickles' he is looking for, McDonalds is the one place that is always there for you, creating the symbolic code that Maccies is a supporting hand for everyone.
Can you identify an intended demographic?
What psychographic groups are being targeted? How?

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