Wednesday 11 October 2017

Media Effects

Key Theory 15- ALBERT BANDURA                                                            SHORT TERM
The Hypodermic Needle Model:
  • The "hypodermic needle theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences.
  • The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly be 'injecting' them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response.
  • Theory implies that we can't think for ourselves, and we are passive audiences/consumers.
Key Theory 16- GEORGE GERBNER                                                            LONG TERM
Cultivation Theory:
  • "The idea that prolonged and heavy exposure to [TV]...cultivates" as in grows and develops in audiences "a view of the world consistent with the dominant or majority view expounded by television."
  • Television presents a mainstream view of culture, ignoring everything else.
  • In doing so television distorts reality.
Not everyone watches excessive amounts of TV. The theory also came about in the 1970's, with only 3 channels, the amount of ways we have of accessing media now challenges that idea.

HEGEMONYWhere one group wields power over another, not through domination, but through coercion and consent.
Hegemonic Power:

  • The School System
  • Patriarchal hegemony
  • Cultural hegemony
  • Hegemonic structure of class
  • Political hegemony
Non-hegemonic power
  • Military conquest
Adidas Advert Analysis:

This advert reverts from the cultural hegemony of young women having to shave their legs. Society has hegemonic power over women, making women feel as if they must shave their legs to be considered normal. In the advert however, the subject is glorifying her unshaven legs and using it to advertise a brand, who wants the name of tolerance towards 'abnormality'. This form of hegemonic power distracts people from natural bodily features, and implies that women must present themselves at their best all times, and that having hair growing on their bodies is strictly a male feature. 

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