Monday 15 January 2018

How are women stereotyped?

How are women stereotyped?

  • Passive
  • Nurturing/Maternal
  • Dependent on men
  • Housewife/Domestic Role
  • Romantic
  • Seductive
Advertising is Magazines:
* Magazines generate revenue primarily through sales of copies(print and digital) and through advertising.
* Advertising accounts for approximately 1/3 of total revenues across the industry. It is therefore vitally important that the magazine and advertising content target the same audience in order that the advertising brands benefit from increased sales as a result of advertising in the magazine.
Andrew Green identifies the ways in which magazine advertising can benefit the advertisers
  * High Audience engagement 
  * Less distraction likely from other activities
  * The ability to target niche audiences
  * High production values
  * Potential for placement in highly relevant editorial environment
  * Non-intrusive (readers can turn the page)
  * Long shelf life

Analyse the ways in which the advertising in Woman constructs stereotypical representations of women.
The advertisement shown on the left, is a prime example of how advertisement in the 60's magazine Woman, creates a stereotypical representation of women. Using theories explored by Lisbet Van Zoonen, the women's body is being used in a media product as a spectacle for heterosexual male audiences, which reinforces patriarchal hegemony. This means the stereotype that woman are important and significant only for their bodies and for the sole purpose to appeal to men is being reinforced by this advertisement. The subjects seductive body language and facial expression, combined with her face full of make-up gives us the impression that all women are and want to use a passive attitude.
The copy uses a very sexual and teasing tone while also using lots of repetition, for example, "all-over feminine...all-day fresh...". This can link to the stereotype that women must retain the domestic role of cleaning. 

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