Wednesday 24 January 2018

Revising industry theorists

Power and Media Industries - Curran and Seaton:
Transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media.
Regulation - Livingstone and Lunt
media is controlled by a small number of companies, driven by the logic of profit and domination. 
Cultural Industries - David Hesmondhalgh:
Companies try to minimise risks and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration.

Cultural Capital(Power) - The cultural resources of an individual, for example knowledge, qualifications, art, customs and tastes.
Examples: Versace, Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Burberry, Horse Riding, Caviar.

Key Theory
End of Audience - Clay Shirk
Audiences are no longer passive: they interact with media products in an increasingly complex variety of ways.

How do audiences interact with news?
How can you identify the dominant readings?

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