Wednesday 10 January 2018

Woman Magazine

  • 1964 August Edition
  • 80p in 2018 £
  • Woman magazines became very popular in the post war periods and in the 60's sales of women's magazines reached 12 million copies per week. Woman magazine sales alone were 3 million copies each week.
Textual Analysis:
Layout and design, simple but effective layout drawing attention to magazine title and beauty of image subject's face. 
Font, large font used in the masthead using quite a swirly font type, maybe stereotypical for women. The title is almost as if it is glowing, with highlighted area around the text maybe to give angelic characteristics to women and make them feel better about themselves during a depressing time following the war.
Mise-en-scene, an attractive woman used to sell the magazine, wearing costume, hair and make-up that was extremely popular during the time. Eg, short bob hair, eyeliner and coloured lips, as well as a flowery printed bold dress. Stereotypical use of the colours pink and purple to represent female interests, which would have been more than acceptable at the time.
Lexis/Copy, "British women have a special magic" make women feel glorified and valued, and will intrigue audiences to ask why is this? 
Image result for woman magazine august 1964

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